Podcast: Tankespjärn 4
It’s been four conversations so far between Helena Roth and I, and as we get into a familiar zone with each other the fireworks have popped more vibrantly with every hangout.
Helena says this one is “…the Tankespjärn-episode with the most questions, ever…” which makes me feel like we’re right where we need to be. As Helena said:
“I curate my life. It’s on me to make. What do I want my life to be? How do I want it to be, where do I want it to be, and with whom do I want it to be? How can I set it up in such a way? Do I dare dream? And what are those dreams? Am I making inroads on some of those dreams?”
As we grow, friendships morph and shift. New people and new ideas enter our lives. What am I looking for, anyway, when seeking the input of other curious people? If we’re going to curate our lives — as we all should, actively — the energy we surround ourselves with, the food we eat or the way we move, heal, grieve, or create — we need to switch on. We need to become conscious about ‘the system that is me’, body and mind alike. Helena again:
“How little we are trained to consciously sense into: Where am I right now? What does my body need right now? What’s my state? We don’t do that. Now… I profess, I do love questions. And yet, all questions aren’t necessarily of service all the time. How they are worded and asked, the energy of them, as well as current circumstances, including my state of mind, all impact and influence the level of service I might, or might not, gain from a question asked. But to a large part, I still say that if you are curiously exploring life with the help of openly asked questions, chances are you live a life filled with life, and don’t run the risk of suffering from a failure of curiosity…”
Watch our most recent chat below, or listen at the Tankespjärn website or wherever you listen to podcasts.